Joe Biden was in Poland rambling incoherently about a number of things.

You also had this happen.

One particularly ridiculous thing he said during his speech was when he described how an attack on NATO represented an attack against all of its members.

I get that this senile piece of shit doesn’t know where he is half the time, but the United States recently blew up the Nord Stream pipes. It is pretty obvious that they blew up the pipes based on statements by Biden himself and Jews like Victoria Nuland. Not to mention all of the follow up reporting we have seen on the incident. The US also stood the most to gain from the destruction of that infrastructure.

The attack primarily targeted Germany which is a member of NATO. So based on Joe’s logic, NATO should be organizing itself against the US.

His comments were obviously meant to rattle sabers against Russia, but it falls short when you consider the Nord Stream debacle.

Everything has just gotten so stupid and insane. There are a bunch of Jews putting this stupid old man out on the world stage and having him make statements that are pushing the world into a third world war. If there is a third world war, I hope many Jews die and Israel gets nuked off the face of the planet. They deserve nothing less considering all they have done.