The British economy is falling apart and the Bank of England is pretty much just admitting this.

They said they’re done intervening in the markets and have told pension funds that they have three days left to figure things out.

But they’re sending mixed signals. As they are saying this, they are saying that they’re going to continue buying bonds.

They’re also just making public statements admitting that the economy is doomed.

The British pound has crashed again.

It’s a total mess. I doubt the people running the Bank of England know what to do so they’re just throwing shit against a wall and seeing what sticks.

I don’t know what else to say about this ongoing disaster. The British government is currently more concerned about waging war against Russia so there can be legal gay ass sex in Eastern Ukraine. The huge Zionist Liz Truss is not going to do anything to help fix these economic problems.

But to be fair to the huge Zionist Truss, the economy was screwed regardless of what she did or didn’t do. The virus hoax and the lockdowns set all of this in motion. It was just further exacerbated with the sanctions on Russia and this rush to do war with Russia.