A group of Australian rugby players are boycotting an upcoming match because they are being made to wear fag pride jerseys.

They have been attacked for taking this position.

All of this homosexual and tranny shit continues to be forced onto people everywhere in the ZOG-controlled West. It is utterly sick and disgusting.

Why the hell does the act of a man penetrating another man’s ass and ejaculating his semen into that man’s asshole need to be promoted at a rugby match? Just the fact that we are having this discussion proves that homosexuals and trannies are not oppressed. They are in fact people who have been given special privileges by this system.

It is all becoming just too much at this point. Homosexuals have gone from saying they just want to be able to be married, to attacking rugby players for not wearing shirts promoting their disgusting lifestyle. Good on those rugby players for refusing to wear those faggot jerseys.