The Jew media is saying that the Associated Press fired their reporter who used a single unnamed source from US intelligence to claim that Russia attacked Poland. Guess this hoax report was too much so they had to take some sort of action.

These people in the Jew news media are just ridiculous. Many of them are just willing pawns and useful idiots spreading disinformation for intelligence services. This hoax report could have potentially started a third world war.

Even I knew that this claim from his source was bullshit and I’m a random person on the Internet. I just happen to have some common sense and I’m somewhat good at calling bullshit on things. It was ridiculous to believe that Russia would just randomly fire a missile at Poland when they are decisively winning the conflict in the Ukraine.

What is insane is how none of the editor’s were fired. It’s actually crazy that they ran the story even though it only had one source which was against their policy.

It’s no wonder why these news organizations push so much fake news and disinformation. They have their heads jammed directly up their own asses and don’t even follow their own policies.