There’s speculation that Apple could be getting ready to ban Twitter from their app store after the head of the app store Phil Schiller deleted his Twitter account. This is apparently his response to Elon Musk who has made moderate improvements to the service so that it is no longer a total echo chamber for Jews and other lunatics.

I think it would be a big mistake if Apple were to ban Twitter from its app store, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they took this action. Twitter is not an alt-tech site like Gab. It is one of the most important social media networks on the planet. Even though I haven’t agreed with everything Musk has done, the site is becoming more relevant under Musk’s leadership.

I’d also like to point out that Apple is a gay company that hasn’t innovated anything since Steve Jobs died. Its CEO is Tim Cook a gay faggot who sucks on the cocks of other men. So it is safe to assume that the people around him in management positions are as gay and faggy as him.

Apple’s whole business model for the past several years has been centered around selling unlimited iPhones with little to no substantive improvements. They are a shit company that has only sustained itself through its brand recognition and dumb marketing campaigns.

We’ll see if they go through with an app store ban though. I’d say there’s a 50/50 chance of it happening. They probably got the ADL Jews up their ass demanding they do it.