61 percent of Americans polled believe artificial intelligence is a danger to the future of humanity.

I think these people have been watching too many science fiction films. They believe that this technology will advance to the point where it will take over the nukes and start randomly firing them into cities like Skynet in the Terminator movies. That’s at least the first thing that comes to their mind when thinking about AI.

I believe this idea of an AI-driven nuclear holocaust is vastly overblown. What we are seeing with AI is just a more efficient way of collecting and analyzing information. If we are to make a science fiction comparison it is more like the computer on the Enterprise in Star Trek than anything shown in the Terminator films.

You also have Jews like Sam Altman who are making the technology sound really scary to get regulations put in place to ensure they have a monopoly over it. They desperately want to prevent any open source development of the technology because they view it as a threat to their power.

I’m more concerned about Jews having a monopoly over this technology than the technology itself. That’s because they would use it for all sorts of abusive and nefarious purposes.