House Speaker Mike Johnson was at Columbia University to denounce the pro-Palestine and anti-Israel protests yesterday. He was booed when he issued a public statement and made a variety of baseless atrocity claims. He even claimed that Jewish infants were “cooked in ovens” by Hamas on October 7th.

The protesters told him that he sucked. They are correct. He does indeed suck.

Here’s the clip where he claimed Hamas cooked Jewish infants in ovens.

There is no proof or evidence that Hamas cooked Jewish babies in ovens. It is just another made up Jewish atrocity hoax like the World War II era Holocaust hoax of shower room gas chambers.

He also called for the President of Columbia University to resign while making other threats.

This guy is such a Jew shill it is ridiculous. He just gave away $95 billion for Jewish wars while securing nothing that benefits the American people. Only days removed from that debacle, he is out making public statements denouncing people for protesting Jews doing a genocide.

Hilariously, he has suddenly become a fiscal conservative after approving that ridiculous sum of money for Jewish wars.

On top of all that, he has threatened the White House if they sanction that single Israeli Diaper Fag unit.

So I guess the White House will just not sanction that one unit and claim that they can’t do it because they are being threatened by Congress?

It’s all so ridiculous. This clown is a traitor. He should move to Israel with his black son. Speaking of which, he probably did gay sex with his black son and there’s a non-zero chance that he is being blackmailed by Jews over this.