Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec who are really nothing more than ZOG shills are aggressively defending the Jewish Daily Wire organization. The Daily Wire is of course the Jew Ben Shapiro’s horrible media operation.

Look at these tweets.

It almost seems as if an order was issued to close ranks around the Daily Wire and defend it at all costs after Steven Crowder exposed their disreputable business practices. These people could also be trying to gain favor with the Daily Wire.

Crowder was also on with Tim Pool last night. I did not have time to watch it. Wanglin said it sucked and Crowder did not articulate his views well.

Regardless of if Crowder did not explain his position well, it is ridiculous to see so many people come out defending the Daily Wire. Shapiro is a pro-Israel Zionist. He literally demanded everyone take the deadly fake vaccine shots. No real American conservative would ever support the deadly shots, Israel or fake Jewish conservatives like Shapiro.