I’m not a fan of Bishop Talbert Swan. He regularly talks trash about WHITE people and pushes all this bullshit about WHITE supremacy and other nonsense on his Twitter feed that isn’t true. He seems to not understand that the United States is run by Jews and not WHITE people. He also mixes Jews in with WHITE people even though the Jews themselves do not consider themselves WHITE. They only pretend to be WHITE in specific circumstances when they think it benefits them.

Take this tweet for example.

Despite that, he did make a valid point about the Jews that I thought was worth pointing out.

He’s 100 percent right about how black rappers are allowed to talk about all sorts of horrible things with no consequence. The one thing they can’t do though is criticize Jews. We’ve even seen all these fake bitch ass niggas siding with Jews instead of Ye after Ye went Death Con 3 on them. They literally sided with Jews over their own racial kin. Even they know that this is a line they can’t cross which is why they bitched out.

I hope that the Ye situation causes more blacks to start questioning who is in charge of things. These Jews have literally been gaslighting them into hating WHITE people for decades. Without these Jews in the way, I don’t think there’d be any issue with us sorting out the issues we have with blacks.

I obviously have a number of issues with the blacks, but many more issues with the Jews. However the issues we have with the blacks are largely a manifestation of the Jews running everything. They don’t actually care about blacks, they simply are using them as a weapon to harm WHITE people. This arrangement hasn’t been beneficial at all for blacks. Nobody can say that their standard of living or way of life has improved in the post civil rights era. All you have to do is look at the average black community around the country to see that this is the case.

The Jews hide behind the label “anti-Semitism” when in reality they use it as a weapon to attack anybody who is speaking truth about them.