Just after I wrote an article describing how much of a piece of shit Lindsey Graham is for refusing to challenge the massive election fraud that took place, video has been posted online showing patriotic Donald Trump supporters confronting him at a DC airport. Graham had to be escorted out of the area by armed security.

These people were extremely pissed with several people rightly calling him a piece of shit, a traitor and other names. It was hilariously fantastic.

The treatment Graham received today is the same treatment every single one of these traitors needs to get when they set foot in public. Any politician regardless of party who refused to deal with this fraud needs to be ridiculed and shamed for what they did. They made their bed, let them lie in it.

The harshest treatment should be reserved for the Republicans that did nothing to stop this fraud. Their treachery is by far the worst because they falsely claim to represent our interests.

I have a feeling that we are going to see much more of this type of thing moving forward. Half the country no longer believes that we have a legitimate system of government and the people associated with this illegitimacy are going to have to deal with a major backlash. I don’t think they really thought all this through because the harder they try to crackdown on the people the more resistance they are going to get.