It’s really amazing to see how many mainstream neocon figures have come out to attack Nick Fuentes. All he did was ask the sadistic kike Ben Shapiro why he was lying about him.

Both Meghan McCain and Nikki Haley were very mad at Fuentes and let their displeasure be known on their Twitter feeds. And they are just a couple of examples we could point to.

Both McCain and Haley are major supporters of endless wars for Jews and Israel.

It is interesting to see how they are fine with killing millions of people in the name of global Zionism, but act like a new Holocaust has been committed because Fuentes dared to confront the kike Shapiro on his slanderous lies. Shapiro hiding behind his family is just an excuse to justify their bullshit attempts to paint Fuentes as a bad person.

These people are sick and evil. They belong in the pits of hell where Meghan’s daddy no doubt currently resides.