Ye said that the term “anti-Semitic” is just another way to say “nigger.” The Jews have whined about the post with one top Jew account calling it “depraved.”

Even though the post was deleted by Twitter, it doesn’t make the statement any less true.

Jews view non-Jews as goyim or cattle. So when they call us “anti-Semites” they are in fact calling us “niggers.”

Ye followed up the post with another one that has not been deleted.

What they are doing to Ye is exactly what is being described in that clip. The Jews are trying to destroy one of the richest and most powerful of their slaves who dared speak out against them to scare the other slaves into submission.

It’s really crazy what the Jews have done to Ye and many other celebrities. Some of the stuff Ye posted yesterday was truly insane, but it seems to be par for the course. All you have to do is look into all the really weird Jewish shit that goes on around celebrities who were made famous through Jewish power. There is a high price for fame in this evil Jewish system. Ye is helping to blow this wide open.

We need to have serious discussions about removing these Jews immediately. The time for this is long overdue.