So Rob Porter a White House aide has resigned his position after news broke that he beat his ex-wives. The Jew-run news media is trying to use this story to go after Chief of Staff John Kelly.

The Hill:

White House chief of staff John Kelly is under fire for defending a senior aide who resigned this week amid allegations of domestic abuse.

Kelly and other senior White House officials heaped praise on staff secretary Rob Porter, one of the administration’s first hires, even after multiple news outlets published on-the-record accounts from his two ex-wives alleging that he had physically assaulted them.

The White House continued to defend Porter — who resigned on Wednesday — after pictures were published online showing one of his ex-wives with a black eye. She claims that Porter hit her while they were on vacation in 2005.

Kelly issued a second statement late Wednesday night saying he was “shocked” by the new allegations but stood by his initial praise of Porter and insisted that he should have an opportunity to defend himself.

I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck if this man beat his ex-wives. Knowing how the vast majority of women behave, many of them deserve to get beat every now and then. This is certainly not something a man should lose his job over. Of course, in our fucked up society that’s been over run with Jewish and feminist garbage, you can lose your job for all sorts of retarded reasons.

The bottom line is that this should not be a national news story. Clearly, the Jew-run media is using this to try and make a case for why Kelly should be forced out. It is unlikely that this will work. Its impossible for Kelly to know every thing about another man’s personal life. But even if he did know about this, I couldn’t give a shit. In a normal society, a man would be able to discipline his wife when she gets out of line.

Obviously I don’t endorse beating up women for no reason. That’s insane and not something a healthy society should condone. But domestic violence laws prohibit a man from being able to control his wife when she steps out of line.

If Porter is the crazy angry maniac as he’s being portrayed as, why did these women marry him? Did they not realize there was something wrong with him before they wed? What’s most likely is that they did something to piss him off and they got into a fight and he beat them up a bit. Big fucking deal.

Either way, this story is stupid and it will be quickly forgotten in the days and weeks to come.