Check out this article from The Washington Post.

It accurately describes how Joe Biden and the Jews who really run the regime have no red lines on Gaza. They continue to supply the Zionist regime endless amounts of weapons regardless of the endless atrocities they commit. Not even the deliberate targeting and killing of those aid workers who were giving food to Palestinians has been enough for them to stop this evil and insanity. The ZOG people in Washington DC are just as responsible for everything that’s happened as the Israeli terrorist entity itself.

The fact that we are seeing more articles like this being published by the likes of WaPo is an indication that there are people inside this system who are unhappy with this continued situation. Unfortunately, no amount of articles is going to change things. These people are going to keep providing lip service about how they care about Palestinians while simultaneous providing Israel everything they need.

The good news is that this situation is not sustainable. Something will give at some point and it may lead to the eventual destruction of Israel itself.