Walmart has announced that they are removing college degree requirements from many of their open corporate job positions.

Most college degrees these days are worthless. Unless you are pursuing a degree in a STEM field, most degrees offer negative value because of how expensive and overpriced they are. They’re also handing out degrees to blacks for being black and other low IQ people who have not actually earned said degrees based on merit.

College degree requirements for corporate jobs are becoming an outdated relic of the boomer era. Many corporate jobs should have never required a degree to begin with. Corporations just did not want to spend money on training programs so they just slapped college degree requirements on corporate job descriptions as a filter for applicants. It was presumed that if you had a college degree that you were not a totally worthless piece of shit. You can no longer presume this because there are many people who have college degrees who are not only a piece of shit but very stupid.

Hopefully this shift in the job market will lead to the collapse of the college and university system which is another outdated relic of an era that no longer exists.