Vladimir Putin recently delivered a speech and noted that only crazy people would think of using nukes against Russia.

The issue is that the United States is run by people who are not of sound mind. It is run by insane Jews who hold total hatred in their hearts towards Russians. I guess they’re still mad at how the Czars treated the Jews in the 19th century or something.

Putin said that they might resume nuclear testing.

The West has no adequate defense against Russia’s Sarmat missile systems.

He also rightly commented about how the so-called Western international order is just a bunch of clowns who make up rules as they go along.

He further commented on how the global dollar system is slowly coming to an end and how the US would just continue the money printing machines until it all collapses.

I do hope that Russia resumes nuclear testing. They could test their nukes in both Washington DC and in Tel Aviv. Those would be fine places to conduct nuke tests IMO.