The White House via the lying cocksucker John Kirby said that North Korea is supplying Russia with ballistic missiles and that some of these missiles have been used against targets in the Ukraine. Kirby also made the false claim that Russia is isolated because of Western sanctions when they are obviously not isolated.

All these people do is lie, so I don’t take anything they saying at face value. Even if the Russians are using missiles from North Korea, I could not give a single shit. These people are whining about North Korean missiles in the Ukraine while being the same entity that is providing all sorts of bombs and weapons for Israel to genocide Palestinians in Gaza. They’ve even gone so far as to falsely claim that no genocide is taking place even though all of Gaza has been leveled by Jewish air strikes and tens of thousands have been killed and injured.

They can just fuck off with this whining. There would have never been a war in the Ukraine if it wasn’t for all of their stupid meddling and agitations. They rejected peace at every turn all because Jews are mad at Russia for things that happened a couple of centuries ago. Kirby and the rest of the scum in Washington DC supporting all this can burn in hell.