This fat low IQ nigger cunt Sheila Jackson Lee wants to end free speech for WHITE people. She has proposed a House bill to make it illegal for WHITE people to criticize niggers of color.

This bitch is a house nigger and slave of Jews. That’s all she is. She’s just too stupid to know what she is because she has the IQ of a drooling retard that shits themselves every day.

Quite frankly, I don’t care what laws this illegitimate Jewish government or their pet house niggers pass. I’ll call Sheila Jackson Lee an ugly baboon nigger cunt regardless of what they claim the law is. She fully deserves it because of how loyal she is to her Jewish masters. On top of that, she hasn’t done shit for her own people and has betrayed her own race.

If the black bitch doesn’t like what I said, she can take her old monkey ass back to Africa and swing from the jungle branches like the stupid ape that she is.