The British military is a joke. They barely have any ammunition and a former general has penned an op-ed sounding the alarm about the military’s gross deficiencies.


The UK could deplete its ammunition stocks in mere hours should it be drawn into large-scale fighting, a former British commander warned on Thursday. This and other issues make the UK military unfit to be regarded as a “top tier” NATO member, he said.

Retired General Richard Barrons, who formerly headed the UK’s Joint Forces Command, sounded the alarm in an op-ed published by The Sun in which he said the fighting force has been “hollowed out by spending cuts.”

Barrons claimed that the British armed forces “are smaller and less ready to fight than at any time in living memory.” He also warned that the UK Army is on course to slip below 76,000 troops. However, even these service members often do not receive adequate training, Barrons noted.

British tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces mostly date to the previous century, while “years of cuts to ammunition production mean that, for some types of key weapons, the army would run out in a busy afternoon,” the general said.

Western military power is on the decline and it is only going to get worse. What we see with the UK is just one example but the rot exists across the entirety of the NATO alliance.

It is ridiculous to think that the West can take on both Russia and China at the same time. They don’t have the personnel or the resources to challenge either of them militarily.