Elon Musk had this to say about the rate limiting on Twitter and other issues people were reporting yesterday. It looks as if this was done intentionally to eliminate data scraping.

I’m not sure why you would make your entire service unusable for these reasons. It’s almost like using a flamethrower inside of your house to deal with a cockroach infestation. He’s saying its temporary but he did not say how temporary.

The timing of this is also strange considering there is huge news happening in France with hordes of angry sand niggers and camel jockeys taking over the country.

I was fully intending to use Twitter again months ago, but decided against it when it became clear that certain voices would not be allowed to speak freely on the site. This rate limiting insanity has just further reinforced my decision.

I am on Gab. Follow me there @infostormer. That’s currently the only social media I’m on.