Tucker Carlson put out a video yesterday saying that he has interviewed Vladimir Putin. The interview was apparently two hours long.

I have mixed feelings about Carlson namely because of the ridiculous positions he has pushed on things like UFOs and China. But with that said, I am glad that he has interviewed Putin.

Many Americans know little to nothing about Putin or the dynamics that resulted in the Ukraine war. The Jewish media lies by claiming that Putin invaded the Ukraine for no reason. They purposefully omit the fact that the Ukrainian government was taken over in a coup back in 2014 largely orchestrated by Jews like Victoria Nuland in the US State Department. That coup government began attacking Russians living in the east and despite Putin’s best attempts to work out a peace deal, all those attempts were thwarted. Western politicians deliberately sabotaged the Minsk agreement which was supposed to guarantee some sort of peace. Putin was left with no choice but to take military action to defend the national security interests of Russia.

It is ridiculous that Carlson even had to put out a video explaining why he was interviewing Putin. Western journalists have interviewed Putin many times before. But for some reason because there’s a war going on, people are saying that he shouldn’t be allowed to interview him. This makes no sense. If anything, it is more important than ever for someone like Putin to be interviewed so his perspectives can be heard. He is one of the most consequential world leaders alive today and it is important for people in America to hear from him. Especially considering what’s happened in the Ukraine and all the resources the Jews in Washington DC have dumped into it.

Overall though, this is a positive development regardless of what Carlson’s real agenda is or isn’t.