This news about another caravan of beaner monkeys being organized and led up to the United States border is 100 percent a leftist election conspiracy. It’s designed to make Donald Trump look weak before the midterms.

The good news is that Trump is being much more forceful about this caravan than the last one. He’s telling the taco spics down south that he’ll deploy the military and close the southern border if Mexico doesn’t deal with this.

The fact of the matter is that this has nothing to do with fleeing oppression or any of that other shit. Outside of the political ramifications which I mentioned above, it is about these people getting to the United States so they can feed off of Whitey. This is an invading army of brown savages that must be stopped.

These fools are literally claiming to be fleeing the oppressive government of Honduras yet they fly the Honduras flag while bitching about how their electricity prices are too high. The whole thing is a joke.

Mexico can easily stop this caravan by denying transit visas to this group. They also have extremely strict immigration laws so stopping this group should be easy so long as they have the political will to do it.

It’s doubtful that Mexico wants to jeopardize the new USMCA trade deal, so hopefully they’ll stop this caravan from proceeding any further.

If not, there’s always the drone strike option.