Donald Trump during a recent interview said that the military would be mobilized to distribute a coronavirus vaccine.

A short clip of his statement posted on a pro-Trump YouTube channel has been massively disliked. Comments on the video have been disabled no doubt due to the negative feedback.

Needless to say, this is an incredibly bizarre and concerning statement from Trump. I don’t even know what he means by this but it certainly doesn’t sound good.

Why the hell would you need to use the military to deploy a vaccine unless this was part of some dystopic plan to forcibly vaccinate the population? Could people not just voluntarily go to a medical center if they wanted the vaccine? Why would military involvement be required?

Many of his supporters are anti-vaccine advocates. And if you’ve been to any of the anti-lockdown rallies around the country, you’ll find large numbers of people there who are highly critical of the vaccine industry.

Trump himself previously raised questions about the safety of vaccines prior to his run for the presidency and was even criticized by the media for questioning vaccine safety.

He even tweeted about vaccines causing autism.

Trump’s statement about using the military to distribute whatever coronavirus vaccine gets developed is being coupled with all sorts of pro-vaccination propaganda. We have everybody in the Jewish media and people connected to Bill Gates talking about how a vaccine is the only solution and the only way we can safely end these lockdowns.

We already know that the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the flu. There is no need for a mass vaccination program. The fact that this vaccine bullshit is being pushed so hard indicates that this is part of a larger more nefarious agenda.

Whatever you do, do not take the coronavirus vaccine. It has bad news written all over it.