Donald Trump at a recent speech rightly mocked the concept of electric tanks.

It is really amazing that the military industrial complex, NATO and all these other people have been seriously promoting the idea of using electric-based vehicles.

They’ve also been talking about putting solar panels on tanks and other weird goofy shit.

The bottom line is that electric vehicles aren’t even practical for most normal civilian purposes. Multiply that impracticality by 100 times over if you are trying to use them for military applications.

We are running into a situation where all these evil agendas are stepping over one another. You have the global Jew war machine that wants to wage wars of aggression against their enemies at the same time they are trying to use the climate change hoax to enslave the populations of countries they control.

No sane person thinks that you can take on countries like Russia, China, Iran and others with electric tanks. It’s just such an obviously stupid concept.