Some asshole commander inside of NATO is claiming that Russian scuba divers and submarine operators are a threat to 1 billion people. He says that these Russian scuba people will blow up pipes and cut cables that will lead to the destruction of Europe’s economy.

The Guardian:

The security of nearly 1 billion people across Europe and North America is under threat from Russian attempts to target the extensive vulnerabilities of underwater infrastructure including windfarms, pipelines and power cables, a Nato commander has warned.

V Adm Didier Maleterre, the deputy commander of Nato’s Allied Maritime Command (Marcom), said the network of underwater cables and pipes on which Europe’s power and communications depend were not built to withstand the “hybrid warfare” being pursued by Moscow and other Nato adversaries.

“We know the Russians have developed a lot of hybrid warfare under the sea to disrupt the European economy, through cables, internet cables, pipelines. All of our economy under the sea is under threat,” he said.

There is no evidence that Russian scuba people are planning to cut cables and blowup pipelines to threaten 1 billion people. In fact, the whole concept is an absurdity.

This NATO clown says this while ignoring the destruction of the Nord Stream pipes which was obviously done by actors who are a part of NATO.

These people are just making up all sorts of retarded claims to justify their own existence as an organization. Without an outside threat, there is no reason for NATO. That’s why this idiot is spreading irrational fear about Russian scuba people.