Donald Trump held a press conference about the ongoing voter fraud situation a few hours ago. Comically, some of the cable networks went so far as to cut the feed as he was exposing the scale of the fraud. The good news is that it looks as if he’s going to fight this to the end and quite frankly he has no other choice.

Throughout the day we’ve seen all sorts of Joe Biden votes appear out of nowhere in Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. It looks as if they are not going to stop counting these fraudulent votes until Biden is ahead. Georgia has been at 99% for the entire day yet Biden votes just somehow keep coming in so it is clear that this is the plan.

Meanwhile they’re taking forever to count votes in Arizona and Nevada. But since Fox News and other networks falsely called Arizona early, it gives them an opening to possibly declare Joe Biden the President-Elect depending on the speed of their vote fraud operations.

The election is clearly being stolen and what’s so sickening about this is that there are few in the Republican Party who are standing against this massive fraud. These people are all MIA.

The censorship on this issue as expected remains rampant all over social media.

We knew that this was the plan, but to see it all unfold out in the open like this is really quite extraordinary.

We’ll have to see what happens with all these legal challenges, but if that fails, the next step would be Republican legislatures recognizing the fraud and appointing pro-Trump electors.

If that fails to materialize, the final step would be Trump declaring some form of martial law backed by millions of his supporters in the streets. And unfortunately with the way things are going, that might be the outcome. If Trump loses, America is finished. There will be no coming back from a defeat.