Donald Trump despite being regularly booed at public events for supporting the deadly vaxx is continuing to promote it. He actually told Candace Owens that this horrible Jewish injection is one of mankind’s greatest achievements.

To show how far Trump has gone off the rails, Jen Psaki and other Democrats have started promoting his statements about the horrible vaxx.

We could speculate endlessly about what is going on with Trump. He might have been blackmailed, possessed by a demon, gone crazy, or been killed and replaced with an actor/deep fake version of Trump. The reason ultimately does not matter.

All that matters is that he is pushing the vaxx and that makes him an enemy of the people. Nothing else he has done before this matters.

Telling your supporters to take this obviously unsafe and ineffective death injection is a terrible betrayal. It’s also politically stupid since his supporters are staunchly opposed to these horrible shots.

The 2015 version of Trump is gone. The 2021 version of Trump is evil. There’s no reason to pay attention to anything he says unless he does a complete 180 degree turn on the vaxx issue.