Not only are women inferior physically but they are inferior mentally. That’s not me saying this either, this is the International Chess Federation saying it. They just banned trannies from competing in the women’s category for this very reason.

I am a big fan of trannies ruining women’s sports and competitions of any kind so it is a bit disappointing to see this rule by the International Chess Federation. Of course, it is just basic common sense to do this because women are by and large inferior intellectually to men. All of the great inventions and discoveries have come from the creativity of men not women.

The performance of women in chess tournaments only further proves the intellectual gap between the sexes.

I don’t care how many fake management positions empowered girl bosses and other dumb feminists are given. They didn’t earn any of these positions because of their accomplishments or talent. They either earned them by sucking cock and/or because of the existing systemic biases against men.