The New York Post just ran an article talking about how college has become a total scam.

It was already bad 25-years-ago when I first attended college. They charged outrageous amounts of money for books. So the scam existed back then, it just wasn’t nearly as ridiculous and insane as it is now.

At last back then, colleges and universities served as places where you had to go to get knowledge and information. The Internet was still in its infancy and you couldn’t do a ton with it yet.

Now that the Internet has developed and knowledge is much more freely available, many of these institutions are no longer necessary and have outlived their usefulness. If anything, they should be hugely downsized. There are only a small handful of professions where a college or university program would offer value in 2022. The vast majority of college programs are nothing more than overpriced brainwashing programs that don’t make a person any more valuable in the job market. This is why you have endless numbers of Starbucks baristas with Art History degrees.

College is absolutely a massive scam and it is good to see that more and more people are seeing it for what it is.