Target went full faggot selling gay anal clothing to babies and kids. This prompted a significant backlash similar to the Bud Light boycott causing Target to lose $10 billion in their market cap over just a week’s worth of time.

Despite the losses, they remain committed to the promotion of faggotry. Their Vice President of brand management is tied close with faggot groups.

Target’s strategy to deal with this public relations debacle is to focus on death of criminal black drug addict George Floyd. They think this will make people forget that they are selling homosexual themed clothing to babies and kids.

Clearly, Target’s management has learned nothing from this experience, so the boycotts should absolutely continue. One could argue that supporting someone as terrible as Floyd is almost as bad as all the faggot shit they’re pushing.

These boycotts while only being moderately impactful, have actually been some of the most effective things any of these “conservative” people have done in a long time. Certainly more effective than donating to Republican politicians who have totally failed to protect the interests of their voters. These types of anti-faggot boycotts should continue.