Donald Trump before he left office struck a deal with the Taliban to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan by May 1st. Joe Biden reneged on this deal and told the Taliban that they would instead be withdrawing on September 11th of all days. The Taliban are not having this and are vowing to attack American troops due to Biden not honoring the original deal made by Trump.

Biden’s new withdrawal date offered no guarantees that there’d be a full withdrawal. Even if all the troops were actually withdrawn, you still have thousands of contractors in the country that nobody really talks about. His whole intention to withdraw troops was basically a hoax.

The Taliban probably understand all of this which is why they are going to start ramping up their attacks again. There’s a good chance that they will take back the country and forcibly remove the illegitimate puppet Afghan government. The fake government is now really only in control of Kabul and other less important areas. The Taliban dominates everywhere else.

It was very wrong for America to invade and occupy Afghanistan for over 20 years because of the 9/11 attacks. 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis so if any country should have been invaded over the attacks it should have been them. Same goes for Israel who gained the most from those attacks.

The entire occupation of Afghanistan has been a financial and humanitarian disaster for America.