We are getting more information detailing just how dangerous the COVID-19 fake vaccine shots were. None of this is new information to anybody who has been reading this site. It is just further confirmation of what we’ve known even before the shots were rolled out. I warned people repeatedly not to take the shots regardless of the consequences.

One new study is saying that 17 million people were killed from the shots.

Here are some posts about all this new information that’s come out.

I believe the number of people who have died from the shots around the world is much higher than 17 million but we’ll never know the exact number. Even 17 million dead illustrates what an awful and horrible crime this was. If there was any justice in the world, the people responsible for all this from the media people, politicians and pharmaceutical companies would have been hung from a rope by now.

I’m at the point where I believe that the entire vaccine industry is a fraud and should be abolished. How can you trust anything these people say along with the products they put out after all that’s happened? Is there even any real hard evidence that these vaccines offer any sort of actual health benefit?