So “conservative” YouTuber Steven Crowder is getting divorce raped by his wife and is threatening to sue the Neo-Nazi leader Candace Owens for extorting him and eventually leaking information about his divorce.

Owens is saying that Crowder’s allegation is insane.

Is it really? Crowder came out against the Daily Wire and their weird Jew contracts a short time ago and Owens who is still associated with them is involved with this craziness a few months later?

Whole thing seems strange and it is possible that this is retaliation by Owens for Crowder exposing their disreputable Jew contract terms. This was something I fully supported Crowder doing because the Jew Daily Wire operation run by Ben Shapiro is one of the most awful media operations on the Internet.

I generally agree with Nick’s take on marriage.

In a normal situation, marriage would be the default life choice for most normal people. As Nick said, it was for many of our grandparents. They lived in a much different era when things hadn’t yet gone totally crazy and there were traditional social norms still intact.

In today’s era, the entire Jew system undermines marriage because it empowers whorish women to divorce their husband for no reason and allows them to take half if not more of a man’s assets whenever she wants.

This article by Crowder didn’t age well.

There is simply no accountability for these cunts. That’s why marriage rates are collapsing. More and more men have seen modern marriage for what it is and it is nothing more than a giant scam that let sluts steal access to your resources.

I also think it is very possible that Steven Crowder is a closeted homosexual. This might have been one of the reasons if not the real reason for his divorce. I’m not trying to defend his bitch wife for divorcing him because even if Crowder was doing gay sex with men, that is still not an excuse for her actions. It is however something that can’t be ignored if we are actively seeking the truth.

I honestly never paid much attention to Crowder’s material mostly because I thought his content sucked and I did not find it very funny. But in light of this news, people have been posting old clips and screengrabs from some of his previous videos that I believe raises serious questions about his sexuality. Crowder has made several videos where he enthusiastically dresses up as a woman for “comedic” purposes to I guess “own the libs” or whatever.

I mean, look at these videos. He seems to be really enjoying this crossdressing shit. In fact, he seems to be enjoying it a little bit too much if you catch my drift.

There’s also this old clip of Crowder where he seems to admit that he had a bi-sexual phase earlier in his life. I’m not sure what he exactly meant by that, but it is a very weird statement and it is not an obvious joke. Watch the clip at about the 7:00 minute mark and listen to it for about a minute or so. You can judge for yourself what he was implying.

I’m not going to say 100 percent that Crowder is a homosexual, but this is some weird shit here. After watching all of this content, I’d say that there is like an 80 to 90 percent chance Crowder is currently some sort of faggot or has at least done some sort faggot shit earlier in his life.

I don’t know what to say. There is just way too much faggotry and drama going on in “conservative” and right-wing media circles. It is something that needs to be addressed immediately. We’d have far less of this type of thing if all homosexuals were banned from participating in all right-wing circles.