Mattel has just unveiled a Barbie doll with Down Syndrome. It is a retarded doll that they say will be more inclusive for real life retards.

This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life. Everything in this Jew-controlled system has to be brought down to the lowest common denominator.

It’s bad enough that we have retards running around drooling all over the place, but now we have to suffer having retard Barbie dolls? Who the hell is going to buy these things? Do they really think a retard is going to care that they are playing with a retarded Barbie doll versus a non-retarded Barbie doll? They’re retarded! It isn’t going to make a shit’s worth of difference to them!

This story just reinforces my belief that it should be legal to euthanize retards. If I were President of America, I would order a Holocaust of retards at the Special Olympics.

Speaking of which, the Special Olympics is totally false advertising. There is nothing special about a bunch of retards trying to do sports. They should be sued out of existence for fraud.