The Sri Lankan government believes a group of Islamic militants were responsible for yesterday’s Easter bombings on churches and luxury hotels.


Sri Lankan officials believe an Islamist militant group was behind the Easter morning attacks on churches and luxury hotels that killed at least 290 people and wounded another 500, Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne told reporters.

Officials had said previously that another country had warned that the group, known as National Thowheed Jamath, was planning attacks in Sri Lanka, but the warnings weren’t specific enough to effectively act on and didn’t include hotels or tourist sites as potential targets.

Imagine my shock. A group of Moslems blowing up random people to advance their fanatical ideology. Who would have ever thought?

The thing is, the Jew-run media is trying to downplay the premise that Moslems did this. Just like they labeled anybody a conspiracy theorist for suggesting that Moslems burned down the Notre Dame Cathedral. That’s because they have a vested interest in flooding our countries with these savages. Compare that to the narrative they pushed in the 2000s when they were selling the American people on invading Iraq. It was non-stop propaganda about the evil of Moslem terrorists.

The solution to Islamic terrorism is very simple. Ban all Moslems. And for any Moslems in the country, you round them up and put them in camps so they can’t blow people up.