The CIA used to have a government program called Operation Mockingbird where they would recruit members of the media to help them spread disinformation. Now, the media allows people within the intelligence community to work for them directly. There is no longer any separation between the big Jew-run media outlets and the government. There’s not even an attempt to hide this. They’re all a singular entity at this point. It’s a big reason why so many of the Jew-run media outlets were shouting in unison about this deranged Russia hoax for the past two years.

But even though this hoax has been totally exposed, they’re still running wild with it. The New York Times has let a Paki skank named Asha Rangappa who did literal FBI counterintelligence work, to openly write propaganda for them. She recently penned an incredibly deranged op-ed rambling incoherently about anti-Russian conspiracy theories complete with hammer and sickle imagery.

The article is utterly insane and accuses Donald Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr of being Russian agents. This despite the fact that a two year investigation by Bob Mueller proved conclusively that there was no conspiracy between Trump and Russia.

She argues that Mueller was unable to conclude said conspiracy because Russia’s disinformation techniques were so effective. And the conspiracy was further concealed because Barr is an agent of Vladimir Putin. She even claims that Putin wants Barr to investigate the chicanery that occurred under Barack Obama because it would help limit the government’s ability to identify Russian agents which are currently subverting the government.

The article is nothing but conspiracy theory garbage. It’s incomprehensible rubbish meant to confuse the reader. And to think that the media has the nerve to call random people on the Internet conspiracy theorists for raising simple questions about things. They have no right to label anybody conspiracy theorists when they are openly publishing bullshit like this.

At least some people on Twitter are calling it out for the bullshit trash that it is.

We are at a point where they are probably just going to start randomly accusing people of being a Russian agent. It’s all designed to further a false narrative of how evil Russia is. They’ll probably start saying that you’re either with us or you’re with the Russians. That’s where this is going.