The Somali bulbhead Ilhan Omar is at it again. She’s now calling for a dismantling of America’s economic and political systems because they are “oppressive.”

Well bitch, if you find them so oppressive why are you here? Why don’t you go back to Somalia? How dare you come here and lecture us when the country you come from is a malfunctioning third world shithole.

The idea of systemic racism is a hoax. Why have so many non-Whites come here if the system here is racist? A racist system wouldn’t allow every third world nigger to come in here to leech off the system would they?

It’s too bad Omar has stopped attacking Jews and Israel. She seems to have totally folded on that issue after she called out AIPAC and the Israeli influence over the American political system. She’s now just back to bashing America and White people while whining about racism.

What a fragile black bitch. Go back to Somalia. Why are you here? If you aren’t going to be useful in attacking Jews and Israel, just leave the country you malnourished monkey cunt.