The Senate is ordering the CEOs of the big tech companies to testify again.

This is pointless and will just be another dog and pony show. What are these people going to say this time that they didn’t say before? They’re just going to deny that they’re doing anything bad and will lie about believing in the importance of free speech while continuing to ban free speech. Neither party is willing to do anything to properly regulate these companies. They just want to appear as if they are trying to hold these companies accountable.

Meanwhile, my free speech and the ability to operate my highly credible news site has been severely limited thanks to these cocksuckers. The Jews at Google put my site on a blacklist along with other reputable news sources like the Daily Stormer and others. This effectively eliminates our ability to reach people with our ideas.

What they have done is destroy any free market in the media space. They’ve given large corporations a distinct advantage by stifling their competition through algorithm manipulation and outright bans.