A scientific paper is claiming that any criticism of Anthony Fauci the high priest of the COVID/Vaxx cult is a “hate crime.”

Ron Paul covered this insanity on his recent Liberty Report show.

There’s also a Zero Hedge article about it.

You can check out both those sources for more details about this nutcase professor who made this pronouncement.

It’s crazy that they have been able to make a man who has lied and been wrong about everything related to this virus hoax to be a figure who nobody can question. Fauci is just following a script that is designed to take the world into a medical tyranny.

How people continue to believe in this just shows how retarded and stupid people are. I don’t know what else to say at this point. All these people who followed Fauci, the media and the government deserve all the bad things that they get. It isn’t like they weren’t warned.