A Jew speaking at a local government meeting in San Francisco whined about not feeling safe in San Francisco because of rising pro-Palestinian sentiment. It looks as if he was opposing some sort of resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. He even claimed that some of his Jew family members were killed in Israel on October 7th to explain why he opposed the resolution. He was booed at and jeered at by many of the pro-Palestinian people which prompted him to call them anti-Semites. The Jew also said that some people were making pig noises at him.

This stupid Jew account asked if we are living in 1939 Germany because of this incident.

So sad for this Jew. He could move to Tel Aviv if he felt unsafe but he chooses to whine and cry which is typical Jew behavior.

That aside, I wish we were living in 1939 Germany, but we are not living in anything close to that. America is a multicultural cesspool thanks to what the Jews did. They actually brought in many of the people who are now actively opposing them and calling out Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. This makes the Jew’s whining all the more ridiculous.

These Jews are only going to make themselves increasingly hated by claiming that opposing the genocide in Gaza is the equivalent of anti-Semitism. I hope they continue doing this.