The Jewish media is already claiming that the Russians had something to do with the cyberattack that resulted in the Colonial Pipeline being shut down. It is being said that some Russian group called the “DarkSide” is responsible.

Here’s a sample of the bullshit that’s being posted on Twitter about it.

I don’t believe any of this considering these people have falsely blamed Russia for all sorts of things. They spent over two years claiming with no evidence that Donald Trump was a Russian spy, but they want me to believe some new Russian hacker stories about this reported cyberattack.

It’s also worth noting that the CIA has tools to launch cyberattacks that can be falsely blamed on foreign actors. This was exposed in the WikiLeaks Vault 7 dump a few years back.

Senile Joe commented on the situation today saying there was no evidence Russia was involved but demanded they deal with it.

Yeah so the Russian government has to deal with it even though they weren’t responsible for it. But we think some guy in Russia developed the ransomware, so Russia has to deal with it because we said so. Weird logic from senile Joe, but since 81 million people legitimately voted for him in a fair election that had no fraud, I’d probably be wrong to question his intelligence.

The whole situation is strange.

What I don’t understand is why a cyberattack like this would cripple the operations of a pipeline this severely. Could they not keep the gas flowing without the use of computers? I don’t understand why these computers that were reportedly hacked couldn’t be removed from the operations and a low tech approach could be used to make the gas flow again.

I mean, I’m speaking as a layman, as I do not work in the energy industry. But it baffles me why a pipeline would rely so heavily on computer technology. It goes back to what I’ve said about how insane it was to put all sorts of important infrastructure on the Internet.

Overall, there are lots of questions about this very strange event and I’m not going to claim to have any immediate answers.