Fox News is hosting a debate tonight for Republican presidential candidates. Donald Trump will not be participating in the debate. The above meme pretty much articulates my full opinion about this debate.

I have little to no interest in this debate or any of the candidates. I’ll probably catch the highlights tomorrow.

The Indian Vivek arguably has the best policies out of all the candidates who will be debating tonight but he’s literally an Indian who wants to tell me what real American values are. It’s as ridiculous as a nigger going to Beijing and lecturing a Chinaman on what Chinese values are.

Ron DeSantis who was being positioned to be the top non-Trump Republican candidate of choice by various ZOG people has had all sorts of problems with his campaign.

Then you have a gaggle or clowns like the Zionist whore Nimrata, the fat Jew-loving bastard Chris Christie, the “conservative” black Tim Scott and the traitor piece of shit Mike Pence.

I honestly couldn’t give a damn what any of these people have to say. Plus, the entire event is far less interesting without Trump’s presence.