The head of Raytheon has come out saying that 13-years worth of Stingers and 5-years worth of Javelins were sold and used-up in the Ukraine war. He is struggling to sort out how to replenish this lost inventory.

This just confirms what I’ve been saying all this time. This war effort is unsustainable. It’s as if the Jews who greenlit this war thought Russia was Iraq or Afghanistan instead of a significant modern military power.

NATO itself was reconfigured to take on Middle Eastern enemies opposed to Israel after the 9/11 attacks. The forces they built up were not suited to wage a war against Russia and we are seeing that reality to play out.

Even if they have the funds to buy more weapons, the weapons have to be made and much of the materials to make these weapons are undoubtedly sourced in places like China. It also takes time to make them. You can’t just manifest these things out of the ether.

But despite stories like this, we are still being told that Russia is losing and the Ukrainian side is winning. It’s utterly ridiculous.