Not even the average dumbass American voter believes that Vladimir Putin is responsible for the high gas prices we are seeing across the United States. Only 11 percent believe that Putin is responsible.


Just 11% of Americans believe Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame for record high gas prices in the US, according to a Rasmussen poll published on Tuesday. The majority instead have pointed the finger at US President Joe Biden.

More than half (52%) of respondents to the Rasmussen poll conducted last week cited Biden’s poor energy policies as the reason gas has become unaffordable, meaning the administration’s “Putin’s price hike” narrative does not appear to be catching on.

It is obviously the fault of Joe Biden and the Jewish regime that he is the puppet for. It’s not even debatable. They enacted policies to limit energy supplies domestically and sanctioned Russia one of the world’s major energy producers so Jews can have gay dildo parades in Kiev.

It is funny to see how many Democrats are blaming the oil companies for the high gas prices. This is such a dumb take. There is literally zero proof that the oil companies themselves have conspired to push gas prices higher. What are they supposed to do when the government has enacted policies that prevent them from increasing the supply of their product?

Due to all sorts of ridiculous government regulations, there hasn’t been a new refinery built in decades.