Nick Fuentes was slated to attend a political event in Florida supporting the regulation of big tech this week. When he attempted to board his flight, he was not allowed to do so.

This is not surprising considering the entire ZOG system has announced that they would be shifting all this anti-terror stuff on to right-wingers. The no-fly list was originally put in place to allegedly deal with Islamic terrorism after 9/11 but many feared that this would later be used for political reasons. That has now happened.

The good news is that anybody who is remotely right-wing including fake conservative idiots are denouncing this and supporting Fuentes. Even they understand that they will be the next ones put on this list. The same thing that happened with tech censorship is going to happen with this.

Hopefully Tucker Carlson brings Fuentes on his show to discuss all this. He mentioned the situation without referencing Fuentes specifically.

Overall, this is a pretty big deal. I’m not sure why the ZOG system managers thought that it would be a good idea to put Fuentes on a no-fly list for his political opinions. This is only going to amplify and expose his America First political views to a larger audience.