The Navy captain who penned a long letter going nuts about the coronavirus infecting the crew of his ship was recently fired. The media is treating him like he’s some sort of hero and comparing him to Teddy Roosevelt.


U.S. defense leaders are backing the Navy’s decision to fire the ship captain who sought help for his cornonavirus-stricken aircraft carrier, even as videos showed sailors cheering him as he walked off the vessel.

Videos went viral on social media Friday, showing hundreds of sailors gathered on the ship chanting and applauding Navy Capt. Brett Crozier as he walked down the ramp, turned, saluted, waved and got into a waiting car.

Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly abruptly fired Crozier on Thursday, saying the commander created a panic by widely distributing a memo detailing the escalating virus outbreak on his ship and pleading his leadership for help. Modly said Crozier “demonstrated extremely poor judgment” in the middle of a crisis.

This guy is no hero. He created an unnecessary spectacle and only spread further panic about this alleged doomsday virus.

Instead of penning some crazy letter that he distributed to an unnecessary number of people, he was obligated to go through the proper chain of command to deal with the situation. This was not the proper way to handle it.

And also, Navy sailors are mostly young fit men. The odds of them dying from this was low.

But the fact that the kike-run media, Joe Biden and a myriad of other people I hate are supporting what this Navy captain did, it makes me believe that they were absolutely right to relieve him of command.