The wealthiest individuals in New York City and the surrounding area, who are mostly Jews, are freaking out and hiring armed guards in mass.

Daily Mail:

New York’s ‘one percent’ are hiring armed guards to protect them from a feared ‘zombie apocalypse’ – stationing former cops outside their luxury properties in Manhattan and the Hamptons in preparation for a coronavirus doomsday where criminals come breaking down their doors.

Two leading private investigative agencies in Manhattan, Sage Intelligence and Beau Dietl & Associates, tell the that business is booming from rich New Yorkers who worry they’ll become prime targets if the coronavirus spirals out of control.

Clients are citing potential red flags – thousands of police officers are getting sick, stores are running out of basic supplies, millions of families are losing their livelihoods, and hundreds of potentially violent inmates are being released from Rikers Island and other jails – all due to the pandemic.

‘These people are fearful of anarchy, that crime is going to spike and that people will get desperate and steal to feed their families,’ said Mike Ciravolo, a retired NYPD detective who serves as president of Dietl.

‘They fear they will become targets if this thing really ramps up. These are very affluent people, with very, very expensive units.’ Ciravolo said he’s assigned guards, round-the-clock, to secure an upscale co-op in Soho and two luxury apartment buildings on the Upper East Side, and is getting more calls every day.

They are not hiring armed guards for fun. They are seriously concerned about the large numbers of people who will have no money and no food after this virus hysteria subsides.

Hopefully this fear for their safety makes them reconsider their continued presence in America. The smart Jews will be taking a one way trip to Israel while they still have the chance.