Elon Musk compared the evil Jew George Soros to the Marvel Jew villain Magneto.

This prompted the Jew propagandist shill Brian Krassenstein to talk about the Holohoax and how both Soros and Magneto were alleged survivors of the Holohoax. Musk responded to his comment by saying that Soros hates humanity.

Musk is right about Soros, but he failed to mention that Soros hates humanity because like Magneto he is Jewish. Jews hate humanity and anything that is good. That’s why the Jew Krassenstein is painting both Soros and Magneto in a good light.

A weird exchange no doubt. I’d like to know what Musk’s view on humanity actually is though. It isn’t clear based on his weird behavior. I mean, hiring that bitch with connections to the World Economic Forum to run Twitter doesn’t seem like it would be very good for humanity.

Musk also claimed that he has pushed for free speech harder than any other Internet company.

This is false. Gab has much more freedom of speech than Twitter.

There are many important voices still banned on Twitter and he has offered no explanation as to why that is.