Elon Musk has stated the obvious fact that the battle for free speech is a battle for the future of civilization.

There is no doubt that if we don’t have free speech, the only thing that will emerge is tyranny. The lack of free speech is what has made the virus hoax and other insane things possible.

To Musk’s credit it looks as if he is finally delivering on his promises of free speech. He seems to realize the gravity of the situation and what is really at stake with all of this. Ensuring that there is free speech on the Internet is the most important battle of the 21st century.

He’s said that a general amnesty for banned accounts will happen some time this week.

He’s also preparing to release all sorts of internal emails and communications exposing the specifics of how the previous management regime suppressed speech for nefarious purposes.

Apple is likely going to ban Twitter off the app store because they’re fine with child porn being on Twitter but not free speech. It’s very possible that Google will follow suit. This means, Musk is likely going to have to go through with creating his own phone, something of which he’s already acknowledged.

They’re going to try to do other things to Twitter, like banning payment processors etc.. but they’re going to have a much more difficult time blacklisting it. Musk has tremendous resources at his disposal and the Twitter ecosystem is huge. It’s not like they’re dealing with a smaller alt-tech site like Gab or Parler.

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. It is critical for future generations that there is free speech on the Internet. They’ll be left to live in an insane technocratic dystopic hell if we do not win this.