After the Bud Light tranny debacle, you’d think beer companies would stop pushing dumb politicized insanity on their customers.

No such luck.

Miller Lite just put out a highly offensive ad featuring a shrieking Jew feminist cunt claiming that without women beer wouldn’t exist. It is one of the most horrible beer ads ever created.

Here’s the Wiki of the Jew bitch Ilana Glazer featured in the commercial. She’s allegedly a comedian even though there is nothing funny about her.

Here’s the Jew cunt with an older cunt.

Two cunts in one photo.

If I had to guess, whoever is in charge of Miller Lite’s ad department is also a cunt or some sort of faggot. Because only a cunt or a queer would green light an ad like this.

Whatever the case, you really shouldn’t be drinking Bud Light, Miller Lite or any other beer any way. Beer is basically liquified estrogen. It will make you fat and will make you grow breasts like a woman.

I went straight edge years ago so I boycott all beer products by default. I would encourage others to do the same.